Afraid Quotes

Text Quotes
I want someone who won’t stay mad at me, who can’t stand not talking to me, and whos afraid of losing me (Afraid Quotes)
The man whose book is filled with quotations, may be said to creep along the shore of authors, as if he were afraid to trust himself to the free compass of reasoning (Afraid Quotes)
Don’t be afraid of difficulties, cause they will push us forward. Affirm: What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger! (Afraid Quotes)
We’re afraid to admit what we really feel because we are unprepared to understand why (Afraid Quotes)
I can laugh because I’ve known sadness. I am fearless because I have been afraid. And I am wise because I’ve been foolish before (Afraid Quotes)
Im single because my heart has been broken, and I’m afraid of getting hurt again by someone else (Afraid Quotes)
You can’t be afraid to have certain conversations. It’s better to talk and find out, than to keep going and get nowhere. Communication is key (Afraid Quotes)
Don’t be afraid to face life. It’s time for fresh beginnings. God has it under control! (Afraid Quotes)
Ive always wanted to tell you how I really feel about you, but I’m afraid to make that big move, because I’m afraid of getting hurt (Afraid Quotes)
It is important to experiment and endlessly seek after creating the best possible flavors when preparing foods. That means not being afraid to experiment with various ingredients (Afraid Quotes)
Just for once, I want someone to be afraid of losing me, not using me. Please (Afraid Quotes)
It’s okay to be afraid of losing the person you really care. But it’s not okay if the person doesn’t really care of losing you (Afraid Quotes)
It’s hard to love someone who’s afraid to be loved again because of what the last person did to them in the past (Afraid Quotes)
I’m afraid of what the future may hold, but that shouldn’t hold me back (Afraid Quotes)
Sometimes the only reason you hang on is simply because you’re afraid of what will happen when you let go (Afraid Quotes)
Stop being afraid on what could go wrong, and focus on what could go right (Afraid Quotes)
Don’t be afraid of change. You may lose something good, but you may also gain something great (Afraid Quotes)
Behind her smile and beneath her laughter, she’s sad and tired, she’s hurt and alone, she has lost all control and she’s just really afraid (Afraid Quotes)
She’s jealous because she’s afraid you’ll find someone prettier, smarter, taller, skinnier, calmer, stronger, and better than her (Afraid Quotes)
If you enjoy what you do, don’t be afraid of expressing your enthusiasm. Enjoyment is infectious (Afraid Quotes)
Can’t be afraid of the future, have to take it with an open mind and have faith that everything happens for a reason (Afraid Quotes)
Drunk people make me nervous because I’m afraid they will hurt me, break my stuff or say truths to me (Afraid Quotes)
Never be afraid to let go, because you never know what greater things will replace what you’ve lost (Afraid Quotes)
Like for once I just want someone to be even the smallest bit afraid of losing me and to be someone’s first choice (Afraid Quotes)
He was waiting for something from me. Acknowledgement. Validation. Commiseration, perhaps. I couldn’t even look at him because I was afraid of feeling any more than I already did (Afraid Quotes)
A wise man, when asked how he had learned so much about everything, replied: By never being ashamed or afraid to ask questions about anything of which I was ignorant (Afraid Quotes)
If you pay close attention to the words of a girl’s favourite songs, you’ll often find out everything she’s too afraid to say (Afraid Quotes)
Don’t be afraid of getting hurt, be afraid of losing all common sense, settling and failing to see the obvious (Afraid Quotes)
I have always been afraid of losing people I love, but sometimes I keep asking myself, is there anyone whos afraid of losing me too (Afraid Quotes)
I’m afraid I have to leave work early today for whatever excuse you’ll believe (Afraid Quotes)